Try These Home Decor Seller Tips When Listing Your Home Before putting your home on the market, you will need to prepare your home to appeal to many prospective buyers instead of your own personal style. Styling a home for a buyer is very different than styling a home for your own personal living. Sellers who are able to successfully navigate this challenge can earn a higher sale price, get their homes under contract quicker, and set their homes apart from other homes for sale. | | |
Style For Your Buyer, Not For Yourself Your home likes reflects your own personal style, but as a would-be seller you are now going to have to neutralize the space. Doing things such as storing away personal photographs and making small design improvements to enhance the basic characteristics of your home will go a long way. Oftentimes unique personalized design is not best when selling your home. | | |
 | Paint Neutral Colors When preparing to sell, it is important to remember that there will be a range of different tastes amongst your potential buyers. Don’t risk painting the walls in wildly bright colors. Keep in mind that dark colors will often make a room look smaller. Most rooms will benefit from lighter more neutral colors and will appear to be bigger. |  | Get Rid of the Clutter Ensuring your house is clean is the first and most inexpensive step you can take to help attract buyers. Clear your kitchen countertops, remove any decorative magnets off the refrigerator, organize the closets, and give away anything you haven’t used in more than a year. Sometimes removing old, clunky furniture can give a room a more open and airy feeling that can help attract buyers. | | |
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